Southfork Watershed Alliance Meeting in Iowa Falls, IA | IAWA

April 11, 2017 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Hardin County Extension
524 Lawler St
Iowa Falls, IA 50126

Southfork Watershed Alliance Meeting

The Southfork Watershed Alliance’s Mission: “To protect, preserve and enhance the natural resources of the watershed of the South Fork of the Iowa River and its tributaries through voluntary and community support.“
The Alliance has raised initial seed money from both private and public sectors to initiate long-term planning. Also there is money for the staff to build relationships with stakeholders involved in the partnership. Also to assist in the development of conservation practices. The ultimate success of the project is dependent on effective partnerships – grassroots partners working to identify problems and encourage the near-term implementation of soil and nutrient management practices – a true cooperative effort toward a common goal. 

Southfork Watershed Alliance Background

The South Fork of the Iowa River is one of Iowa’s most picturesque streams. This tributary together contains some of Iowa’s most productive land. The watershed area is predominately used for intensive agricultural production – both row crop and livestock. There are concerns about water quality in this watershed. Primarily, as a result of the impact of agricultural production and management practices of the watershed.

The Southfork Watershed Alliance represents a broad cross-section of the watershed’s agriculture business, governmental and community leaders who address water quality issues in the watershed in a comprehensive manner. The members of these working groups believe it is critically important to address water quality issues. On a proactive and voluntary basis, we must address these issues. The health of the watershed has significant long-term economic and quality of life implications for the area and its residents. Grassroots effort designed to identify problems and encourage the near-term implementation of soil and nutrient best management practices will serve our area better than any top-down plan.

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