BHBH 16oz can

Brewed in Partnership With Exile Brewing Co. to Unite Iowans For Water Quality

This beer is truly something special. It represents water quality. It represents Iowa farmers. It represents strong communities and neighborly values. And it represents what we can all do when we come together for a common cause. A portion of proceeds from this beer go to water quality improvements in Iowa priority watersheds including the North Raccoon and Des Moines Rivers which provide drinking water to Des Moines.

IAWA and partners have improved conservation on more than 4 million acres. See our impact through all our different projects here! Help us further our impact by making a donation.

Drink Beer. Improve Water.

Thank you to Exile Brewing, to the farmers who weren’t afraid to try something new, and to every single customer who chose this beer – whether it’s simply because you enjoy a rye IPA, or you wanted to support your community’s water quality.

Meet the Farmers Who Grew the Ingredients

It started with a few growers trying to do what’s best for their farms and communities. Now it’s a delicious IPA made with the unique flavors of Iowa grain and hops, under the care of a brewer who’s passionate about local ingredients.


Mike Bretz






Location: Coggon, IA
Crops produced: corn, soybeans, wheat, rye, oats, alfalfa
Conservation practices used: no-till, small grains in rotation, multi-species cover crops, filter strips, pollinator habitat, ponds

Mike's rye for this beer is a variety called Hazlet. It protects the soil from erosion through the winter. This rye has no synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides. It was harvested in July of 2022. "Water is our most precious resource," says Mike. "Keep it clean for future generations!"

Barley & Malting

Eric Miller







Location: Cascade, IA
Crops produced: corn, soybeans, rye, wheat, barley, oats, and buckwheat
Conservation practices used: no-till, interseeding between 60" corn, planting green, late termination rye with beans, winter cover crops on every acre

Eric's barley for this beer is a winter variety called Calypso. In Iowa, it starts growing in the fall and can withstand extremely low temperatures while dormant during the winter. It works great to protect the ground from erosion. When used in rotation, it also improves the biology of the soil. "I want to protect the future of our family farm for many generations to come." says Eric.


Keri Byrum






Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Crops produced: Triumph, Cascade, Mackinac, and Crystal hops
Conservation practices used: concisely placed drip irrigation to avoid waste, integrated pest management (treat only when needed)

Keri says hops carry the special flavors of where they are grown. Being able to use Keri and her dad's Iowa-grown hops creates a uniquely local beer for Iowans to enjoy! "As the third generation to live on our farm, it is very important to me that we pass along a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable farm to our sons," Keri says.

Ready For Another Round Already?

So are we. Just like rounds of beer, we can’t get enough rounds of conservation in Iowa. Donate here if you want to continue helping your community’s water quality!