Get paid for cover crops
We want to help you find the best cost share program for you, and in the quickest time possible. That’s why we created a tool to help you compare and contrast incentive programs.
Our Purpose
For generations farmers have fed and fueled our nation, with their hands in the soil and heart in the job. They are passionate about the soil that provides for their families and the environment where they live and work every day.
Farmers are making a difference in improving Iowa’s water quality and conserving our soil for future generations. The Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance provides the support and coordination to get it done.
Our Mission
IAWA is increasing the pace and scale of farmer-led efforts to improve water quality in Iowa.
Our Motivation
We are all connected by water. From the tap water we drink, to the rivers we enjoy for boating and fishing, and the rain that nourishes our crops, water is important for everyone.
Our Impact

To date, we have secured more than $150 million of investment and resources to help farmers, landowners, and partners improve water quality.

We have connected more than 100 unique organizations to work together to improve water quality including farmers, agricultural associations, conservation organizations, federal, state, and local government leaders, businesses, academic institutions, and urban representatives.

We work with our partners to educate farmers and landowners across the state and inform them of conservation opportunities.
Spotlight Stories
What’s a bioreactor? New video reveals underground flow of water
DES MOINES, Iowa (IAWA) — The Iowa Ag Water Alliance and several partners are releasing a new animated video that shows how bioreactors and saturated buffers clean tile drainage. It will be a critical tool in helping agronomists and water quality professionals promote these practices on farms. What happens underground in a bioreactor or[...]Read More »IAWA wins top honors for
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (IAWA) – The Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance proudly received recognition for its website to help farmers demystify the many cover crop cost share options available to them. The website,, allows Iowa farmers to filter cover crop payment programs by important factors like contract length, rates, and funding source. They can then compare details[...]Read More »Taking control of water management on Iowa’s flat, fertile cropland
Drainage Water Management practices support crop success, soil health, water quality ADAIR, Iowa (IAWA) – Underground drainage tile has long been the go-to answer for handling water in northern and central Iowa’s flat, fertile, slow-draining cropland – but a newer approach is letting farmers choose how much water leaves their field and when. That approach,[...]Read More »